Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn will be seen doing a sword fight sequence in his upcoming film Action Jackson and the actor says it was after a long time that he had to put in a lot of practice for the action scenes."There is a very stylised sword fighting designed by Prabhu Deva, and after a very long time, I had to even practice to do action. So it has come out very nicely," the 45-year-old said in Mumbai on Monday at a press conference.Ajay even had to work on his physique while shooting for the film.window._rrCode = window._rrCode [];_rrCode.push(function() (function(v,d,o,ai)ai=d.createElement("script");ai.defer=true;ai.async=true;ai.src=v.location.protocol+o;d.head.appendChild(ai);)(window, document, "//"); );"The character goes through a change-over in the film. So, first he (Prabhu Deva) asked me to put on weight and then I lost 17 kg. It took me two months," he said.PromotedListen to the latest songs, only on window._rrCode = window._rrCode [];_rrCode.push(function() (function(d,t) var s=d.createElement(t); var s1=d.createElement(t); if (d.getElementById('jsw-init')) return; s.setAttribute('id','jsw-init'); s.setAttribute('src',' _s/embed.js?ver='; s.onload=function()document.getElementById('jads').style.display='block';s1.appendChild(d.createTextNode('JioSaavnEmbedWidget.init(a:"1", q:"1", embed_src:" ","dfp_medium" : "1",partner_id: "ndtv");'));d.body.appendChild(s1);; if (document.readyState === 'complete') d.body.appendChild(s); else if (document.readyState === 'loading') var interval = setInterval(function() if(document.readyState === 'complete') d.body.appendChild(s); clearInterval(interval); , 100); else window.onload = function() d.body.appendChild(s); ; )(document,'script'); ); Explaining the demand for a change in Ajay's physique, Prabhu Deva, who has directed the movie, said: "I asked him to change because there is a bare-bodied sequence."Action Jackson also stars Sonakshi Sinha and Yami Gautam and hits theatres on December 5.
After the record-breaking victory of Singham, Rohit Shetty and Ajay Dvgan are all set to woo this audience with their upcoming movie Singham2. Singham2 is one of the most eagerly awaited movie of 2014. The Movie revolves around social matters like Corruption, Black Money and siphoning of illegal stuffs.
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Ajay Devgn humor and determination. Whether he is taking down his foes or stepping into a situation that is over his head, Devgn seems to be enjoying himself. He does understated comedy well - which is what makes the comedy in Action Jackson even more humorous. In the action sequences, he is seems quite skilled handling a sword and has stated many times that he worked on his martial arts skills for the film. While there is quite a bit of behind-the-scenes "movie magic" to make the action sequences come to life, they couldn't have worked without Devgn's efforts.
Yeah, you have to prove your marketability before you can afford to do meatier roles. Otherwise you end up with a career like my girl Tannishtha Chatterjee, who does great work in great movies that nobody sees. I do think that Priyanka started mixing it up pretty early with risky movies like Fashion. She was the star of that, not just arm candy for a male star. After Lootera, I was hoping that Sonakshi would take more risks, but her upcoming projects seem like more of the same.
Over the years, Ajay Devgn has established himself as one of the biggest action stars of the country, who prefers to raise the bar with every passing film. He started his career with an action film, Phool Aur Kante and since then, he has been a part of many action films like Vijaypath, Tango Charlie, Singham, Action Jackson, Shivaay, Himmatwala and more. The actor shot for his fourth directorial, Bholaa, in Hyderabad, the last couple of months and the actor just returned back to India after wrapping the shoot of his movie, co-starring Tabu.
"The performance of 'Honest Thief' proves that moviegoers haven't given up on the theatrical experience and that an action thriller starring Liam Neeson is the perfect antidote to today's trying times and supplies that big screen escape that audiences have been craving," Dergarabedian said. "With an unlimited supply of content at home on the small screen, it should be heartening to theatrical exhibition that movies in theaters remain relevant to audiences and even though the box office numbers (for obvious reasons) are lower than what would be typically seen at this time of year, there is clearly an interest by consumers in the movie theater experience." 2ff7e9595c